Mobile Management is Vital for On the Go Workers

Going mobile is a popular trend, and today, some 65 million Americans own and use a smartphone. And, in 2010 alone, media tablet sales reached a staggering total of $19.5 million. While there are lots of reasons to use mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, including keeping up with friends on social media and even doing some online shopping, many use them to get some work done while on the go. Many businesses offer bring your own device, or BYOD, models that let workers access company information from anywhere. BYOD programs can be great for improving efficiency and making it easier for employees to complete projects quickly.
Of course, mobile device management is important when it comes to using BYOD programs because iPhone security always has to be a priority. Businesses could lose thousands, if not millions of dollars, if information is lost or stolen, especially if that includes credit card and bank account numbers. So though it might take some time to set up a proper iPhone management system, especially for hundreds of employees, doing so is vital for protecting important data.
When it comes to mobile device management, there are lots of options that businesses have to choose from. For many, software-as-a-service, or SaaS, and on-premise models can be the best choice. There are lots of different options out there to protect mobile devices and make sure that information is not lost when they are misplaced or stolen. Taking the time to do a bit of research and compare the benefits of several is an important process for owners and managers who want to take advantage of BYOD.
With BYOD, both hardware and software components need to be properly handled. Generally speaking, a Desktop Management Interface, which is a component used to map both, can be used. It will allow businesses to make sure that every part of an employee’s phone is working properly so that data will not be hacked or lost.
Interestingly enough, about half of companies actually make employees cover their own technology costs, and employees tend to be compliant. But no matter who pays the initial cost for smartphones and mobile devices, security has to be a point of emphasis. Without it, getting work done while on the go and being more flexible than ever before would be nearly impossible for today’s workers.