What Simple Tools Prevent Electrical Fires?

Did you know that, according to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), there are 51,000 household electrical fires per year, and these fires result in 500 deaths and over 1,400 injuries? Unfettered electricity can pose significant risks in homes, around the office, or even in the automotive and aerospace manufacturing industries. What small tools keep people safe, whether they are in their homes or manufacturing today’s vehicles?
Rubber Grommets and Conduit
Wires and cables fit into and through circular or oblong grommets. Grommets redirect wires and cables away from sharp corners and edges. Hard plastic or rubber materials are used in houses, or offices, for commonplace desk grommets. Sturdy, durable grommets, such as metric rubber grommets, can withstand extreme temperatures and maintain their original shape under pressure.
Similarly, conduit wraps around wires and circuits to protect and insulate them. Conduit comes in a number of different materials, including rigid and flexible forms. Metal conduit, for example, protects cables and wires from harmful magnetism. Other types of conduit may be used to safeguard cables from the rain, snow, ice, and sharp rodents’ teeth. Most consumers and manufacturers use conduit, also commonly referred to as electric metal tubing (EMT), with conduit bushing. Conduit bushing is typically made from rubber, and protects wires from the ends of sharp metal conduit, allowing consumers to pull and adjust wires safely.
Zip Ties
Zip ties, also known as hose ties and cable ties, use a pawl and a series of teeth to fasten wires and cables securely into position. The most widely used zip ties, nylon zip ties, are available in many different lengths and colors. Nylon ties can be used in simple, everyday applications to organize and easily identify groups of wiring. Reinforced nylon ties may be used in aircraft and aerospace manufacturing.
Electrical fires can happen just about anywhere. Keeping electrical fires at bay depends on proper insulation (including metric rubber grommets and conduit) and keeping wires organized and securely fastened.