Healthcare Internet Marketing

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In today’s world, the use of the internet is ubiquitous. And the internet is undoubtably changing the way consumers shop, as they are increasingly going online to find the products and services that they need. Therefore internet marketing is essential in any business, including the healthcare industry.

First of all, SEO is an essential aspect of healthcare internet marketing. When consumers utilize an internet search engine they typically click on the first link that meets their criteria and are unlikely to scroll through pages and pages of results. In fact, 42 percent of people who use Internet search engines click on the top ranking link. Therefore, the higher a website appears in search engine results pages, the more likely a consumer is to visit that website. SEO, which raises a website’s ranking in search engine results, is thus crucial.

Of course, social media marketing is an integral part of any comprehensive internet marketing plan, including healthcare internet marketing. 43 percent of all online consumers are social media fans or followers. and more and more consumers are using social media sites, such as Facebook and Twitter, to obtain information about and recommendations for products and services. In fact, 41 percent of B2C companies have acquired a customer through Facebook. Furthermore, social media reputation management is critical to brand management, without it even minor problems can become public relations disasters. Original content blogging is also something to consider. Developing blog content is quite important as studies show that companies who blog have significantly more indexed leads. Overall, in today’s world, internet marketing is absolutely essential, including healthcare internet marketing, from social media content to effective SEO.

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