How to BBQ The Best Burger – Cooking Advice Now

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e tips that will help to make the most delicious burger that you possibly can. Watch this video to learn more.

Start by placing a potato on your grill. This is an easy way to ensure that your meat does not stick against the grill. Plus, it adds extra flavor as the starches from the potato coat the grill’s grilling grate.

Grilled burgers may dry out due to heat. This is because the flames take away all the moisture from the burgers. A simple method that can ensure that the burgers stay delicious. Put an ice cube in the middle of your hamburger and then sprinkle a bit of butter on top. Ice cubes will melt as the burger cooks, compensating for any loss of moisture.

Once you’ve perfected the process after which you can add the seasoning. Seasoning that is right will make your burger go up a notch. For best results, choose high-quality natural seasoning. If you feel creative cook a delicious sauce accompany your burgers.


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